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November 2015 Issue 

November 2015 Cover

Millenial Mania: Profiling Consumers

Connecting and selling furniture requires an understanding of how and why consumers shop they way they shop. It’s no secret that age, income and gender provide a demographic profile of consumers. However, in order to understand consumers more precisely, we add another layer by using Home Furnishings Business’ parent Impact Consulting’s proprietary Lifestyle Cluster designations to define the buying attitudes of consumers.

Clustered Up

Consumers regard furniture shopping in a variety of manners. The approach to furnishing their homes varies widely. Like anything in this world, people come in all shapes and sizes, and of course, shopping preferences.

Statistically Speaking: Consumer Confidence Boosts Furniture

Consumer confidence is on the rise and with it the demand for consumer products, especially durable goods. With an array of spending choices, the furniture industry has its eye on these more confident consumers. Several factors may finally be coming together to push home furnishings products ahead of other key consumer goods.

Coach's Corner : The Consumer Evolution

At the beginning of virtually every sales training session, I ask the participants the same question: Have the consumers coming into your stores today changed from the ones that came in 20, 10 or even five years ago? Those that have been selling that long always answer that they have most certainly changed a great deal.

Publisher's Letter: Consumer Confusion

Has the disappearance of furniture brands left consumers confused when shopping for home furnishings? From the perspective of my age viewing the current environment requires differentiating between nostalgia for the good old days and the current consumer trends. With that said, it is true that the simple decision regarding what to wear is a challenge.

Editor's Note: Holding Home Close

Disasters bring into focus the importance of home, friends and kindness. Home. Just saying the word conjures up all sorts of connotations for people. No matter if home is a one bedroom, basement apartment or a $5 million home on the perfect ocean-front lot, home is, well, were the proverbial heart is.

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